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About Us

About Us

Finding a job that is better, makes for better lives. That could mean signing-up for a role at a retail store closer to home versus the administrative job which is a long commute and which does not tap the job aspirant's intrinsic skills.
The Employment marketplace for mid & lower level jobs does not enable good matching of job seekers and job requirements. This requires finding a combination of function, industry and role where the candidate's skills are most relevant.
CVs are not a good tool to assess suitability. This does not provide ratings on key skills; details of responsibilities etc. Hence CVs are not really designed for quick screening of candidates from amongst large numbers
Application process to posted jobs leads to many irrelevant applications. Similarly, Search of candidates on a job portal may lead to spending far too much time on screening disinterested candidates Jobs may only be aggregate from sources where the employer is not actively engaged or even looking for candidates……….

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